Sibling Stories

An online support network for siblings to ask and answer questions about having a sibling who is neurodiverse

    • My brother really loves complicated boardgames. He has some that take up an entire table when all the cards and different pieces are laid out. Usually once a week I go over to my parents house with my boyfriend and we play one of the boardgames with my brother and my dad. My brother is always so serious about making his plan and executing it. He can get frustrated sometimes when you interfere with his plan but he is always really talkative during these games which really makes me happy. - Corrin, 31

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    • We love doing movie nights, going to the park in the evenings, and reading a book together. - Anonymous Sister, 17

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    • My brother and I both have an obsession for anything Disney. We love to see all the new Disney films in theatres, play Disney video games and board games at home, and sing Disney songs in the car. My favorite memories with him are our holidays in Disneyland. Having such a mutual love for Disney provided something for us to connect over throughout the years. - Connie, 32

    • I worry about being the only one responsible for him when my parents pass away and how that is a big responsibility to add on to work, housing, and maybe my own kids. But there isn’t anything I can do about that and I just have to trust the other people in my life who have known my brother for a long time to help me support him. - Corrin, 31

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    • The one thing I want for my brother is for him to be happy. I hope he lives a life full of his favourite activities and knows that we all love him to his core. - Annabelle, 22

    • You have to change your expectations so they are realistic and fair to what your sibling can give you in your relationship. Over the past couple of years other friends are growing older and becoming friends with their siblings, sharing responsibilities with them and developing new relationships as adults. I’m never going to have that with my brother and it sucks but it doesn’t mean that the relationship I have with my brother isn’t special and hasn’t impacted my life in such a positive way. - Corrin, 31

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    • You may not understand why your sibling behaves and thinks the way they do and it probably frustrates you. Learn to acknowledge your feelings and come to peace with them - your feelings are valid. - Anonymous Sister, 17

  • Almost every summer when we were younger with family and friends would vacation for a week at Parksville beach. During each trip my dad the whole day making a huge sandcastle and then when the tide was coming in he would gather all the kids and we would try to defend it from the tide. So much chaos and laughing at the impossibility of the task was always really fun to do with my brother who would always try his hardest to held my dad keep his creation alive. - Corrin, 31

    • I was about 11-12 when he was diagnosed. I wasn’t completely aware about what autism is so it didn’t matter much to me. I remember thinking that he’s just like everybody, except sometimes he needs some extra help. - Anonymous Sister, 17

    • Simply spend some one-on-one time explaining what autism is and how it affects their sibling. Explain to them how it may affect them so they can prepare and reduce feelings of frustration and anger. - Anonymous Sister, 17

    • Don’t be too hard on yourself when others are giving you a hard time just for existing - you have so many people cheering you on everyday (me especially)!! - Anonymous Sister, 17

    • I’m grateful to have my brother in my life, regardless of his disorder. When I look at him, my first thought is never concerning his disorder. I just think, wow! There he goes! And I can’t wait to see the things he will do in this lifetime. - Anonymous Sister, 17

    • My parents did everything they could to help me understand my brothers condition even if they didn’t fully understand it themselves.  With that, I was able to put myself in my brothers shoes to some degree which helped me comprehend things like his way of reacting to certain situations or any particular preferences he had. It helped me see him through an objective lens - Annabelle, 22

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